I have always believed that what we seek is inside of us. A treasure to be discovered by listening our heart, love is the way to connect with our essence, holding the hand inside others, finding the road to our home, ascending together and sharing the path of growing.
My life has always been a search for the divine truth and a willing to find the garden of alchemy where all the prayers blossom.
I have Born in 1981, Studied Philosophy, Theater , Filmmaking, practiced Meditation, Sufism, Kabbalah, Amazonian Shamanism, Native American Red Path and ethnic Archaic music. I have learnt many ancient rhythmic patterns played with Al Kindi Ensemble gave concerts all around the world with my frame drum.
The Rhythms and the ancient tunes has opened a portal for me to tap into Music of Spheres.
During my travels in South America I met a lot of spiritual masters and learnt to work with the forces of Nature, self discovery and ancient healing techniques.
I worked with voice healers, composers and therapists , released an album in Spain called Spreading the wings, Organized many women circles and healing ceremonies of Toltec, Quechua, Mapuche, Amazonian and Lakota medicine.
Collecting different prayers and power songs from all around ancient paths which leads to devotion became my way to create and share a common language of love through music and dances of universal peace with my sacred instruments .
My life path is dedicated to open spaces to inspire lovers to find their unique essence to use self expression to create a harmonious community and build a conscious evolution.
The Conference of Birds Gathering vision was a revelation to fulfill this purpose to unite the spiritual paths,practices and songs together in the sacred temple of the birds ...
Studied Electrical and Electronics Engineering, earned his master’s degrees from Middle East Technical University and spent 20 years of his carrier working as Systems Engineer, Consultant, Program Manager and Regional Director on advanced military communication technology.
He met with Mindfulness Meditation concept based on Vipassana Tradition at 2010. After an intense practice period, he observed dramatically positive changes in his life. Until then he speared most of his time experiencing and working deeply on different kind of meditation techniques. He travelled many countries for this purpose. In time he started to share his experience with people around him and started to provide support and guidance for their meditation practices.
Had a strong intention to find ways to solve many common problems of urban living with the potential of mindfulness based meditation. At 2018 he finalized his professional carrier, turn back to Turkey and founded Acaryasati Meditation Academy. He is teaching meditation, designing specially crafted guided meditations and meditation programs. He is very attracted to Sufizm and harmonizing Vipassana with Sufizm. He is also a Mindfulness Alliance certified meditation teacher.
This one shares unconditional love, humble and a free expression like a flow of water, a real dreamer, freedom composer and a true collaborator.
Meet Niko Dogu
He was born in 1995 in Turkey.
Continuing his education in music at Bilgi University, Niko met Aquadrum in 2014 and continued to work with Deniz Güngör, who is the creator of Aquadrum and mastered this new instrument which sounds like water and played as a melodic percussion, creates meditational music.
In addition his ethnic music studies he creates experimental electronic productions and performs with different musicians such as Briken Aliu , produces sound journeys and creative collobrations.
For the last 2 years he created a band of brilliant musicians and prepared albums in fusion jazz ethnic and spiritual music called Develer.
Once upon a time, when a star dust was flying on the skies, it embodied a body in the ancient city Smyrna, Izmir. With his very first smile, his family called him Can -means life, soul, spirit and intention in Turkish.
Since then, he's been dancing & playing games for planetary peace, connection and unification.
During his design education in Barcelona, he created Inphinity Design and tuned his direction to developing meditative sacred art. From studying Sacred Geometry and nature's harmonic language, Inphinity Design creating various meditative/decorative pieces, crafts, toys and games in order to tap into our inner guidance and wisdom.
Nowadays he turned his wheel to art therapy with co-creative workshops, decorating and designing sacred interiors, assisting and creating ceremony spaces.. and seeking next mystical adventure..
And most importantly, he's deeply excited to re-connect and unify with many radiant sparks at this amazing family gathering.
and rising to graceful flight with ALL,
Wings spread out...
Born in a sunny day in June 1989, as a love child.
Since I was a child, unconsciously I always tried my best to stay in the love direction, to stay in love, to be love. When they asked, “how I see myself in the future?” I could only say that “I wanna do something with my hands”.
So I followed my heart, I painted, created, studied Sculpture.
With practicing meditation and rituals, came the curiosity for nature, healing myself with/through nature and remembering that I am nature. I started to study herbs, the healing plants, smudging and started to get more aware by what I eat, drink, put on my skin, whom I connect, how to protect my energy, and these made me more connected with body, mind and spirit.
Through my journey on this earth, through my transformations, I started to believe the best education is through experience and the learning path never ends.
Nowadays I’m in a stage that I bring all of my experiences together to give birth to what I’m craving. To art, creating ceremony spaces, decorating, designing, doing rituals, connecting and many more to discover.
So excited to unify with you birds at this beautiful family gathering...
"Meet the Alchemist who draw the wings and the language of 30 birds who spreads their wisdom and anchor their hearts to fly which are the messengers of heaven and earth."
I have born in 1988 passed half of my life in Ankara and the other half in Istanbul , after studying at Marmara University of Arts I had decided to continue my journey of color, form aesthetics with Holistic Food.
After I finished my Kitchen art studies I have surrendered myself into the arms of Mother Earth.
6 years before I have met with my sister Rila and I have reborn again.
Now Every day we are celebrating again and again this rebirth, I seek the alchemy of nature, and I never give up to plant my love and my colors everywhere I go..
My best friends Birds come wherever I go..
I am giving roots planting seeds and offering my love to people at long tables,
I continue to spread my wings by embodying the flow of light and wisdom.