Shabda Kahn has been a disciple of Sufism since 1969. He is a direct disciple of Murshid Samuel L. Lewis (Sufi Ahmed Murad Chisti), and he worked closely with the great American mystic Joe Miller. Shabda is currently the Pir (spiritual director) of the Sufi Ruhaniat International and the director of the Chisti Sabri School of Music.
After living in community with Baba Ram Dass in the East Coast, Shabda met Murshid Sam and moved to San Francisco in 1969. In the fall of 1970, Shabda had the good fortune to travel with Murshid Sam. He received his spiritual name from Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan in 1971, after Murshid Sam’s passing.
In 1972, Shabda was initiated by Pandit Pran Nath, the Master North Indian Classical Vocalist to thr practice of Raga singing in the Kirana style. Pandit Pran Nath, a Sufi mystic, requested that Shabda carry on the 800-year-old oral transmission under the name, the Chisti Sabri School of Music.
In 1984, Shabda became a disciple of the illustrious 12th Tai Situpa Rinpoche, a venerated Tibetan Buddhist incarnate lama of the Kagyu Lineage.
After Murshid Sam’s passing, Shabda was one of Pir Moineddin’s secretaries. As Pir Moineddin’s condition worsened, he requested that Pir Vilayat Khan initiate Shabda as a Sheikh. This occurred on February 5 1977, at the tomb of Hazrat Inayat Khan in India. In October 1995, Pir-o-Murshid Hidayat Inayat Khan of the International Sufi Movement initiated Shabda as a Murshid.
Roquita works with Four archetypes; The Maiden, The Mother, The Witch, The Elder, Four lunar phases, Four seasons.
Chilean actress graduated from the School of Theater of University of Chile, who has traveled around the world with the Grand Circus Theatre Company and participated in the recovery of democracy in her country. Parallel to this she began to awaken in her Inner Path, starting with her own healing (internal and external), which brought her to experience in the Amazon jungle of Peru with several shamans with Earth’s medicines. And She met great Masters who initiated me in various
Sacred Paths of the Goddess, meditation, yoga, Quantic healing, Reiki, Zen Massage, Shamanism, Tantra, Sexology and she is a Certified Leader of the Dances of Universal Peace,
Peace Activist, Women’s Circle Leader, Moon Dancer, Sahumadora, Professor of Ovarian Breathing, Doula (formed with Michel Odent and Guadalupe Trueba),
Co-Founder of the Matríztico Circle, Moonmother.
Currently She travel through Chile and around the world, initiating women in the sacred fire , making offerings to the spirits and elements of Nature ,Our sacred Mother and facilitating Dances of Universal Peace .
BLISS, La Posada de la Abuela.
Issa Baba
Chisty Sufi Order

Shaykh Issa Nessim Baba. A native of California, Issa baba spent ten years between there and Turkey focusing on studying the rich tradition old Sufi music in the centuries-old Sufi lodges of Istanbul. He is the son and successor of the late Ibrahim Baba in the Ajmeri Chishti and Qadiri Sufi lineages, serving a community that is based in Turkey but has members around the world. The spiritual path which he represents is grounded in the teachings of Hazrati Moinuddin Chishti, Khawaja Gharib Nawaz, the Friend of the Poor, who taught a message of openness of heart to all manifestations of the Divine.
Born in Cuenca, Ecuador Lakshmi has been walking the Sufi path for more than 20 years. She has been involved as the main organizer of weekly meetings in the Cuenca Sufi Circle, as well as Sufi retreats and dance camps with local and international guides. Her commitment has also taken her to guide retreats abroad and collaborate with the Beyond Initiative project in Turkey and Iran.
Her commitment has continued through the pandemic connecting with circles around the world via zoom, supporting with practices and chants of universal peace to Ecuadorian Sufi and dance community on a weekly basis, extending also to other circles in Latin America and earlier on in Spain, Latvia and Russia.
She is a certified kundalini yoga instructor from the Kundalini Research Institute since 2011.
Leader and Certified Mentor in the Dances of Universal Peace Network, Sheikha and Siraj of the Sufi Ruhaniat International in the Sufi Lineage of Hazrat Inayat Khan.
Lakshmi brings sweetness and strength and introduces the subtle energies in her teachings for deepening into the practices.
Filiz is a circle host, process designer, poet/writer/visual storyteller, community organizer and a transition host whose purpose is to serve the transition of the humanity and the planet to the new paradigm by awakening a sense of possibility and sacred in human heart and soul. She is a devotee and emanation of Beauty in life, the beauty of the truth of what is; a pathfinder and a trailblazer.
On her own path of becoming an empowered and liberated woman for the new world, she shares her research and discoveries with other women in women circles and retreats, believing women together can awaken and move mountains with their feminine power. This path currently brings her to an intimate research about the healing power embedded in feminine sexuality. There is a deep longing in her to create sacred spaces for men and women to serve the healing of love.
Filiz is the caller and co-creator of “Women are Medicine” network, a (The Way of) Council carrier, a student of “Global Love School” at Tamera Ecovillage and a student of “Orphan Wisdom School” with Stephen Jenkinson.
She's been researching about grief work and hosting grief circles as a way to restore the vision of the heart and re-membering.
She is a graduate of Fine Art Academy, Mimar Sinan University in Istanbul. in 1998 she moved to New York. in 2006, She completed a 3 year program of the Blue Stone Institute for Healing Arts, founded by a healer of Native American descent, George Kamana Hunter.
This deep and intensive learning and remembering in BlueStone institute of Healing Arts, allowed her to get in touch and re-awaken her ancient wisdom as a healer. After 11 years of deep healing, letting go and remembering in NewYork, she returned to Istanbul in 2009.
In 2013 she met Patricia Whitebuffalo, who combines her Shamanic tradition and her deep connection with the Earth , as a teacher, therapist, energy practitioner and musician to guide and heal others for personal and planetary transformation. Immediately upon her meeting, Elif was invited to the “Walking the Shaman’s Path”
Personal Transformational Training Program by Patricia, as an apprentice. After a unique and extensive 3-year training program specialising in the utilisation of Patricia's perceptive blend of Shamanic and hands-on-healing science techniques with the teachings of “The Wheel of Awakening,” her complete model for personal transformation and SELF realisation, Elif became one of the teachers in the same program in France in 2015 and is still teaching in the same program.
She is a pipe carrier, who is dancing with the Sun and a Dervish who is praying to unite within the heart of the hearts through sacred ways of life. Her energy medicine is based on creating a sacred medicine wheel and healing rituals, by inviting and activating the spirit of the sacred directions, the sacred elements, animal spirits & spirit guides and becoming a clear channel for healing energy to come through​
"this is the moment, love is the way"

"Who am I? What is the purpose of my existence?” The journey started with these questions. As the answers to the questions flowed from myself to my heart, the road became the living water. The tiny glimmers of inner freedom are the courage to walk. With the understanding that the most basic job of a person is to be himself, to know his own very nothingness and unity, walking by sharing the tools that point the way to inner freedom is happiness itself.
After studying Psychology at Koç University, I completed the Creative Arts Therapy program at New York New School. Then, I completed the Clinical Psychology Master's program at Bilgi University. For ten years I have worked as a psychotherapist specifically to transform traumas,individual and group sessions with children and families.
I received Meditation Instructor Training and Sound Healing Practitioner training. I have attended retreats and trainings in different parts of the world. Since 2015, I have been opening meditative spaces and giving trainings on inner exploration with individuals and groups. The transformative power of vibrations forms the basis of the studies.
Believing in the power of walking with the artist inside of us in existence, I am interested in the art of sculpture, one of my most valuable means of expression since my childhood, and I participate in exhibitions.
In Vibe to BE, of which I am the founding partner, I holistically use and share the tools given to me on the path that human beings transform and develop. I give meditation trainings, open meditation and sound bath spaces, and organize retreats.

Selcukhan Yilmaz I was born in 1993 in Istanbul . I conduct studies and concerts on Classical Turkish music, Tekke music and Indian Kavvali Music, as well as work on literature and traditional Turkish theater.
Selçukhan Yılmaz

Bita Afshar Moghaddam was born in Khorasan, Iran.
Has been active in performance, research and education for about 17 years in the field of ritual and Sufi dances around the world
Her main focus is in the field of leading and teaching the way of Sama(hearing) , which is mostly associated with its philosophy, technique and Tariqat. This contemporary education comes from old knowledge One of them is Attar's book Mantiq al-Tair,(conference of birds) which in this regard has innovated the Sama in seven cities of love which uses different methods along with Sama and whirling method, such as dance therapy and dynamic meditation and play therapy, story therapy, dance of universal peace , and repetition of dhikr and poetry another her education is training semah with zikr that main focus is on the properties of Allah zikr along with Sama
Since 2019, she has been the leader of dance of universal peace , which has formed various circles.
During her activity with children, she has also been active in the field of ritual dances and has been their executive leader in various festivals such as brave kids.